Kevin Swanson

Frontend Developer

Bootcamp certified in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap JavaScript, and React/React Native (Nucamp Coding Bootcamp). Experience in Tailwind, Photoshop, Digital advertising/marketing, E-Commerce and team leadership.

About Me

Junior Developer | 28 y/o

Hi i'm Kevin! Born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. After spending years in the music industry while studying and investing in blockchain technology, my interest in technology as a whole started to peak. Over a year ago, I enrolled in Nucamp Coding Bootcamp and began building front-end designs for local businesses like HVAC, pet stores, and estheticians. I can confidently say that the TRUE learning happened in the real world scenarios that FOLLOWED bootcamp. Learning to communicate my ideas to others who aren't coders became a priority. As much as I love freelancing, I look forward to joining a bigger team so that I can continue to grow my skills while enjoying a sense of camaraderie. My passion for music production and songwriting has allowed me the opportunity to work with people from vast arrays of backgrounds. Putting creative minds together to reach a common goal has become second nature in these pursuits. I personally work best with a team pursuing the same goal. In my eyes, teamwork IS dreamwork.

My Education


2013 - 2015

University of Houston

Some College


NuCamp Coding Boot Camp

Classroom setting learning with instructor. Earned my certification in HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, React, and React Native.


2013 - 2015

H.E.B Grocery, Houston and San Antonio, TX


2016 - 2018


Customer Service Rep

2018 - 2022

Digital Music Producer/Studio Management

Day-to-day operations and scheduling. Vocal recording and software production.

2019 - 2022

Digital Currency Trading

I studied new and upcoming blockchain technologies and their use cases. This research helped me come up with investment strategies that people could use to help grow and diversify portfolios.

2022 - 2023

Front End Web Development (Freelance)

I started my freelancing company Seesaw Digital last year and began taking on small-mid size projects for local businesses. This included e-commerce, building online payment gateways using React API's, and intergrating my cliet's physical in-shop POS systems.

Latest Projects


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Keyframe Animation

The Bully Stop

HTML, CSS, Javascript, E-Commerce, Parallax Effect, Photoshop

Contact Me!

(210) 394-0681
2450 Roosevelt Avenue, San Antonio, Tx 78210